PET Products

Our aim is to expand our trading in PET resin for beverage and
condiment bottles and food tray containers, and to become one of
the top traders in PET resin both in Japan and globally.

The main products we handle

Recycled PET resins

We are expanding into the field of environmentally friendly business. There is increasing momentum for the recycling of PET resin, in particular that used in PET bottles for beverages. Global manufacturers of consumer goods, beverages and foodstuffs have set a goal of boosting the recycling ratio of plastic materials used in products by the period between 2025 and 2030. However, the supply of recycled PET resins being manufactured around the world is still insufficient. In response to such needs, the PET Resins Division, in collaboration with Mitsubishi Corporation, has started to deal in recycled PET resins and helping to create a recycling-oriented society.

Mitsubishi Corporation press release: “Mitsubishi Corporation Joins PET Chemical Recycling Business”
Mitsubishi Corporation has an accepted a third-party allotment of shares in Thai Shinkong Industry Corporation Ltd., a company in Thailand that is expanding its manufacture of PET resin for beverage bottles.
PET resin for bottles

We sell reliable, high-quality PET resin for use in beverage and condiment bottles in Japan and overseas.

PET resin for food tray containers.

We sell competitive PET resin for food tray containers.

PET resin for textiles and industrial purposes

We offer various kinds of PET resin for purposes such as use in polyester textiles and LCD displays.

Development of functional resins and barrier enhancing technologies

We are improving food and beverage shelf life, and helping to reduce food loss.

POINT 01 We handle a wide variety of PET resins to meet the needs of our customers in Japan and overseas
The PET Resins Division has been trading with customers in Japan and overseas for many years. The needs of our customers are diversifying due to changes in external circumstances and, leveraging our long track record, we handle a range of PET resins to meet those needs.
POINT 02 Initiatives to guarantee quality and safety, and to secure a stable supply system
We build quality control systems with our suppliers, and offer a stable supply of extremely reliable PET resins based on the customer’s standards.
POINT 03 Recycled PET resin initiatives
In collaboration with Mitsubishi Corporation, we are engaged in support for a recycling-oriented society by expanding our trade in recycled PET resins.

Environmental awareness

- Recycling-oriented business

There are many different kinds of plastics. In many cases, the PET resins we handle are used as mono-materials, mainly for PET bottles and food tray containers. This makes them easier to recycle than other resins. Thanks to their collection by Japanese municipalities, and at supermarkets and convenience stores, approximately 80% of the domestic PET bottle demand is recycled into products. As a company that deals in plastics, we aim to expand our business into the recycling sector, and are discussing the expansion of operations into recycle-oriented business.

Inquiries about PET products